Clothing Gentlemen

We believe that it’s the comfortable, premium and exclusive things that upgrade your Hunting experience.

At Koedoe & Co we help you – the modern Hunter and outdoor people – to apply sustainability in your outdoor activities too. We do that by providing the possibility by offering premium Hunting Clothing ladies, Hunting Clothing GentlemenHunting Clothing KidsOutdoor Clothing, Hunting Accessories Hunting Polo’s GentlemenHunting Sweaters in our Hunting store , made from sustainable, organic, or recycled materials that can be worn for both hunting and casual situations.

Besides offering an honest and differentiating product we love to invest in Nature, to improve the Wildlife’s habitat and variety.

That is why, we donate a part of our profits to Nature funds and foundations who use their revenue for preserving, maintaining and improving the biodiversity, in order to sustainably utilize it. 

That’s how we combine the pleasant, the sustainable and the passion for Nature.

Sustainable, Organic and recycled Hunting clothing, Outdoors clothing, Hunting accessoires and Hunting Travel for Hunters and Outdoor people that upgrade the biodiversity.